MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY AT HARVARD COLLEGE CAMBRIDGE 88, MASSACHUSETTS ee Tue Acassiz Museum’? November 14, 1956 Professor Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics University of Wisconsin Madison 6, Wisconsin Dear Josh: Dr. Robert Paul Levine, who since 1953 has held a position as Assistant Professor in the Department of Biology at Harvard, is now being considered for promotion to Associate Professor. The latter posi- tion carries tenure and, since Dr. Levine is now 30 years old, it represents a commitment by the Department in the field of geneties for a period of 36 years. Naturally, we wish to make the best possible appointment. A committee comprising Professors Mangelsdorf, Mayr and Romer has been directed to make an appropriate recommendation to the Department, Because of your familiarity with the field of genetics and of the younger men now working in it, we would be grateful to you for any advice which you can give us in connection with this appointment. It is our impression that Dr. Levine is doing a splendid job of teaching at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. Also, he has been a congenial and cooperative member of the Department, a fact which may perhaps dispose us unduly in his favor, The real questions remain- ing and upon which we would like very much to have your opinion are: (1) What is the quality of Levine's research? (2) What is his potenti- ality for growth as a scientist and a scholar? (3) How does he compare with other young geneticists in approximately the same age group? In considering this appointment, we shall lean heavily upon your advice and that of a few other distinguished men in the field and we shall appreciate deeply any help which you will give us. Sincerely yours, Ernst Mayr EM/ jrg P.S. Since we have been allowed only a short time in which to prepare a recommendation, we should be grateful to you for a reply at your earli- est convenience. A self-addressed air-mail envelope is enclosed. , wet In Coune «