Dec 30 1983 Dear Mrs. Box - re R. A. Fisher" - p. 409 I was so warmly, nostalgically pleased to read your grateful account of Luca Cavalli's introduction to bacterial genetics, and in due course to me. You may know that Luca and Alba are among my closest friends. They eventually moved to my department at Stanford; and I still see them often both there and here. Your remark was most interesting; that "by early 1948 Fisher was planning to introduce. . . bacterial genetics. . ." This interests me as evidence of the prompt and tangible acceptance of my work (1946-1947), and especially as from such a substantial figure as he was. I did meet him Sept. 1947 at Woods Hole (Biometrics Society), and had some discussion about recombination in bacteria. What impression that made, I did not know - recall I was then 22. My question is about any documentation you may have about the sources of his conviction: what part from reading the papers, from comments of others, perhaps from our personal meeting. [END PAGE ONE] [BEGIN PAGE TWO] P.S. "Congression of markers."[?] Have you noticed this usage in Fisher's writings? I am trying to trace the provenance of the term, prior to our application of it in the analysis of bacteria.