July 14, 1952 Mrs. Bonnie Fermon Alston $07 Conklin Place Madison 5, vig. Dear Mrs. Alston: I am sorry to have to tell you that this position (for which you wrote) “has been filled. I ealled the Student Employment Office a few days ago to cancei the notice. Ve do not practise discrimination in this laboratory. If you are implying that you have been discriminated againet in respect to university positions, I would be a little surprised. 1 know how difficult it is to get substantial. evidence of discrimination, on the one hand, but on the other, it is pcseible also to be mistaken of 1t. If you are convinced that you have had auch diffi- culties on campus, I would urge you to consult the faculty Committee on Hunan Rights. 1 don't know which of its mambers will be on campus this summer. They are: Dre. V. ©. Meloche; €.5, Liddle; ¥, R. Agard; Lyle Miller, and 4oye Anderson. You cen be sure that & lerge aajcrity of the University Feeulty supports every effort to eliminate racial discrimination, most of all within the University itsslf. Youre sincerely, Josoua Lederbarg Associate Professor of Jeneties