Department of Genetics University of Wieconsin Madison 6, Wis. April 12, 1953 Professor Frank Fenner Department of MicrobLology Australian National University Canberra, AsCeTs Dear Dr. Fenner: I shall be delighted to have an opportunity to talk with you. If it does not put you too much out of your way, I would prefer seeing you here over taking the chance of finding the tine at the Cold Spring Harbor Symposium. We have not yet fixed our own plans for the Symposium, but it is quite likely I shall be here at least through June 1, and will be very happy if you can visit at that time. If you can arrange to let me know where you wil? be a few days before, I could wire you any last minute changes of plan. But I think I can guarantee June 1, 1f this is agrecable to you. We have been especially occupied lately with the genetic deterni- nation of flagellar serotypes and phase variation in Salmonella, Aside from the artificial synthesis of any number of new and old "species", the work has uncovered some quite interesting features from a "developmental" viewpoint, and I welcome the chence to dis- cuss these with you, in the light of your remarks in the review which appeared in Heredity some time ago. Yours sincerely, Joshua Lederberg Agscciate Professcr of Geneti: