April 28, 195) Dr, Robert Paul. Levine Biology Laboratories Harvard University Cambridge 38 Massachusetts Dear Pauls When I came home from the Oak Ridge meetings, I recalled your remonstrance about having failed to answer your letter of March, 153. I have gotten this out again and can now understand why I let it slide, though an apology is perhaps still in order, I really would not be qualified to make any informed comment on the question of inter- chromosome effects on crossing-over, though I follow this subject as an interested outsider. I had heard Schultz give the paper at the 1951 symposium, but my recollection of it could not have been fugzier, Pere hapa, as Esther says, this is because I was not there most of the time, Concerning the reprint of my review on hereditary symbiosis, I am sorry that the extremely limited supply that I was able to purchase prevented me from distributing reprints as freely as I would have liked, This situation unfortunctely still prevails, but I understand that copies can be purchased from the Physiological Reviews at the cost of 50 cents, if you are still interested, 4 couple of weeks ago, I did send you a bateh of more recent papers, and will be pleased to continue to exchange with you. Good Inck to you at Harvard, Sincerely, Joshua Lederberg