MINISTERIO DE AGRICULTURA Y GANADERIA DE LA NACION DIRECCION GENERAL DE INVESTIGACIONES AGRICOLAS INSTITUTO DE FITOTECNIA DIRECCION POSTAL: INSTITUTO DE FITOTECNIA DIRECTOR ING. AGR. JOSE VALLEGA CASTELAR REPUBLICA ARGENTINA Castelar, November 23, 1953. Dred eLederberg tbc I fF Departemnt of Genetics ' University of Wisconsin Madison 6, Wisconsin. Ussedc ยป Dear Dr.lederberg: my As I an Working with some mutants of Baci#lus subtilis with a nitrate and nitrite reduction process different from the normal pattern of this microorganism, I am interested to repeat the experiencies with Escherischia coli, better known from a genetical viewpoint. As consecuence, I am asking you for, if possible, the mutants of the K-12 strain which you consider the best for studying that problem. Unfortunavely, these mutants can not be obtained in my country, as far as I know and I am obliged to disturb you.e Any comment or suggestion abouk this theme, will be well accenvte. Thanking you your kindness, I remain, Yours very truly Cem tel Ce, Font Ce Swald AeFavret Instituto de Fitotecnia Castelar. Argentinae OOO