~ 7 mom August 25, 1954 Dr. Ellis Engleaberg Hooper Foundation U. Califorhia Medical Center San Francisco, Calif. Dear Ellis: I have received a letter from a Dr. Re Devignat, who works on Pabtaurella pestis at Elisabethville, Belgian Congo. He writes that he has been studying three distinct notural varieties, and,more to the point, that he has some experiments with them that suggest the occurrence of genetic recombination among, the strains. Hie characters are virulence, on the one hend, and biochenical traits such as glycerol fermentation, nitrate reduction, etc.,; on the other. He says very little about controls on the stability of the markers, but by and large he seeme to be appreciative of the pitfails. At any rate, Devignat "pourrait mettre a (ma) disposition une serie de souches des trois varietes sous leur forme tres virulente, sous forme attenues, et vaceinante, sous forme attenuee et a peine vacchnante, de ree que les souches dont les colonies ont des morphologies dif rentos..e. ¥ joindre les hybrides dont question ci-dessus et donner des detaile concernant les sonlitions de culture qui m'ont parus les plus favorables « L'avparition des hybrides ou o leur detection." He acknowledges that his own lab. facilitios are quite mediocre, and avpears understabdably cuite antiouy to have his observations confirmed and extended elsewhere. It de cuite obvious that you would be far more comptent than I (or anyone elee I can think of) to render such a service, and I hoped that your interest woul!) be comparable. May I reply to Devignat that I have discussed this with you and that you have assented to exanine his material: Yours sincerely, Jochua Lederberg Professor of Genetics ele Ye will be at Woods Hele to about Septerher 3, then bac! to Madison.