June 14, 1952 Dr. K. F. Meyer Director, HoopervFoundation University of California San Francilsaco 22, Calif. Dear Dr, Meyer: I aa very pleased to hear that Dr. Englesbarg is being considered for cromotion to Assistant Professor. My imoressions are quite favorable, but are based on only fleeting contacts and some correspondence. When I mt Ellis about two years ago, he was juet about to comlete his doctoral work. I had had an opportunity, earlier, to review his thesis, The work stdil seems quita good, although he did seem somewhat overexcited about it. Your cousent as tc his subsequent growth is therefore good, but not unexpected, acsws. I have gotten the same impression from ay subsequent oorrespondence with hia, I ncps this letter answara your questions. I would endorse the appoint- ment, but would have to rely on the judgnent of the pexgons who have worked more closely with him Curing the past tuc years, Yours sincerely, ~— we Joshua Lederberg Associate Profsascr of Genetics