UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA -~HE GEORGE WILLIAMS HOOPER FOUNDATION UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA MEDICAL CENTER SAN FRANCISCO 22, CALIFORNIA March 17, 1951 br. Joshua Lederberg Dent. of Genetics University of Wisconsin luadison, Wisconsin Dear Josh, Inclosed you will find a manuscript concerning the formaldehyde work which I intend to submit to the Journal of Bacteriology for publication. I would appreciate any corrections, suggestions, or criticisms of the article that you might have to offer. I am going to present this paper at the coming 5.A.B,. meeting in liay and it would facilitate the preparation of my talk if 1 could have the paper back as soon aS you are through with it. time has flown since I last saw you. I do regret that I was unable to spend more time with you and Esther last summer. I got a gréat deal out of the short talks we had together and enjoyed your seminars and lectures. liy job at Hooper Foundation has turned out very well. tI am at present in charge of a program to investigate the possibility of growing P. pestis in a liquid non-protein medium for the purpose of producing and isolating an antigenic protein in mass quantities. Besides the physiological aspects of the problem, I find the imaunochenistry very interesting. I have been given two assistants; one, a Miss Judith Bentoff, who has worked with Pilliner and has had experience with methanol fractionation of toxins, is being very helpful. So far results look very promising. £ have recently finished calibrating a circular viarburg in preparation for some metabolic studies. Some nutrition studies have resulted in the isolation of interesting biochenical mutants. However other pressing work has prevented me from exploring this any further. Can I look forward to seeing you at the 5.a.b. meeting in lay? Kegards to isther. : oincerely, Hillis Englesberg os. Peoples Seeger