we UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA ; PARTMENT OF BACTERIOLOGY “~aa BERKELEY 4, CALIFORNIA 14 tebruery, 1950 Dr. Jd. Lederberg Department of Genetics The University of Wisconsin Madison 6, wisconsin Deer Dr. Lederberg, in am enclosing a completed application for the american Cancer Society Fellowship for the purpose of obtaining the signature of the Chairman of the Dept. of Geneties, as called for in paragraph 31. Also I would be very much interested in your comuents concerning the rescarch program I have outlined. As you can see I am very much interested in a further exploration of the formaldehyde effect. The problem you suggested interests me as well. I do not believe that there is any dichotomy involved and that both approaches may be valuable in explaining mutations. ould you please return the applications to me with the necessary signature and any coments and/or elaborations of the research program as proposed, so that I might include such NS suggestions in the final draft.