UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA ; PARTMENT OF BACTERIOLOGY . BERKELEY 4, CALIFORNIA ‘Dr. J. Lederberg Dept. of Genetics University of Wisconsin Maddson 6, Wisconsin January 9, 1950 Dear Dr. Lederberg, I am looking forward with great pleasure to meeting you this August, and spending my expected postdoctoral fellowship working with yOu. br. Stanier mentioned that you had suggested that I apply for a U.S. Public Health Service Fellowship. I intend to do so, and also to apply for the Merck Fellowship. In order to secure these fellowships, I will need your assistance in the following: 1. The National Resparch Council informs me that in addition to your letter, they require a letter from the University of Wisconsin, indicating their acceptance of me. Would it be possible for you to obtain such a letter for me, and have it sent immediately to the Natural Sciences Fellowship Board, National Research Council, 2101 Constitution Ave., Washington 25, D.C.? 2. A similar letter is required, assabove, addressed to the Merck Fellowship Board, address as above. 5. A letter from you is required, to be sent to the Merck Fellowship Board, stating thattyou will act as my Scientific advisor, and that adequate facilities are available for me. (Similar to the letters you have sent me.) 4. A letter from you is required, to be sent to the Division of Research Grants and Fellowships, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda 14, Maryland, stating that I have made suitable arrangements with you in order to earry on my research program, and that adequate facilities are available. I hope this will not inconvenience you too much. Sincerely Ellis Englesbd¢re P.S. Thank you very much for the reprint of your article on Bacterial Variation.