December 24, 1951 Dr. Robert Paul Levine Departaent of Blology Amherst College, Amherst, Mass. Dear Paul: Esther and I both were very sorry you had changed your plans, and could not mest us on your trip East late last summer. The Minneaphais meetings were mildly interesting, somewhat dampened by heavy downpours. We spent most of our time outside the sessions, including a trip around the very pretty lake districts. How are you settled in your Amherst position? As things have turned out here, the space additions did not materialize when expected last summer, and we would have been miserably crowded had you chosen to accept your fellowship here. It would have been well worth it to us, but possibly not entirely fair to yourself. The delay is not indefinite, and by 1952- 53, we should be very well settled. In addition, most of my present crew id graduating (1 Ph.B., a couple of M.A.'s) and we'll have more room on that account alone. If you know of any promising seniors who want to do graduate work in genetics (including microbial) there should be a number of vacancies for teaching or research assistantships,in thia department. What about your own plans for next year-- have you anything definitely lined up for part or all of it? Fe'&® love to have you visit us, if you could take anough time to make it worth while. Next sumner, however, I am hoping very seriously to take off a couple of ménths (probably June and July) and work somewhere else for a while. Have you preserved any warm feelings for microorganisms? Esther and I would like to wish Flizabeth and yourself the very best for 1952. Yours sincerely, Joshua Lederberg