March 12, 1955 Dean ©, A, Elvehjem Grajuate School University of Wisconsin Dear Dr, Elvehjen: You may recall our informal discussion a few weeks ago on the possibility of "gurm-free animal" research at Wisconsin, You suggested that I make up a brief summery of my suggestion or inquiry that might be circulated to gauge the depth of lecal interest. I an happybto submit such a statement and questionnaire. I do not know if the right questions are asked, or whether they are most felicitously phrased, At any rate, I hope you will make whatever use of it that you might find advisable, IT had suggested that it be circulated from the graduate school rather than from myself; I would leave it te your judgment how it should te revised and referred to, ft an apprppriate time, it might be fruitful to consult Dean Bowers of the medical senool, since offe of the more urzent applications is in the prob- dem of the roie of enterogenic infection in radiation sic!ness, Yours sincerely, | yw : a Liter Bl gt We A. Wasise | tederbers wt f / Professor o1 Genetiés i” Ene: "Germ-free Animal" Research Center at the University of Wisconsin RGERM~FREE ANIMAL" RESEARCH CENTER AT THE UNIVERSITY O@ WISCONSIN As is well known, biologists have become increasingly aware of the role of microorganisus associated with animals and man, not only in disease pro— cesses but also in normal development and funetion, Most animal experimen- tation relies upon the assumed approximate unfformity of associated microbes from one enimal to another, but this facter is not always readily discounted. In principle, the most direct approach to ruling out or to studying theee effects would be the establishment of "pure cultures" of animal species as the starting point for more exact synthetic complexes, by analogy with the micro- biologists! basic procedures. In fact, Reyniers and Bis aeeociates at Notre Dane have established a laboratory for "germ free animal" research that at least points to the possibility of maintaining such cultures. make substantial progress Regrettably, the Notre Dame group has not been able to beyond this technical accomplishment, possibly owing to a lack of broad interest and consultative support at that locale, this kind of research were to be exten- ded, it has been suggested that scareely any other campus could outdo Wisconsin in the breadth and quality of connected interests to give direction to, and make the most effective use of such a researth center, It has been suggested further nat if Unis wide interest were coherently expressed and a definite collaborative program preséivea trom the University, there would probably be little difficulty in obtaining the needed financial support. It would be difficult to enumerate all of the fields of applications among the more o vious would be biuchemistry (principally nutrition); physiology; infectious (and const4 tutional ?) diseases; bacteriology and parasitology; aninal and mleroblal genetics; pharmacology, chemotherapy, patholosy, radiobiology, This letter is therefore intended to sample the interest in such a program that might actually be expressed by research workers here. Your comment is cor dially solicited on any aspect of such a program, or to any of the following questions: shculd a research center hased on the "pure culture" of animale be established ot Wisconsin? (What should this field or technique be called?) How extensive a progran? Which species? now shouid the center be organized? Can you suggest & qualified person (here or eisewhere) who could take primary responsibility for the intramural maintenance and research us well as for liaision? What attraction would such a center have for your research program? Immediately? When? What sort of studies would you envisage, and what would be your particular needs? You are invited to discuss this matter with any of your interested colleagues and to solicit their comments as well.