June 8, 1956 Dear Mrs. Elliott: Thank you for your note of the 4th. The matter of 1633A is certainly of more sentimental (to m) than schantific interest. I worked on the "adaptations" of this strain, among others more than ten years ago, and I am afraid it would be quite a chore to dig all the details out of my notes. (Some of that work was published with Ryan, in PNAS 32h163). I think the following is a fair stapment: Iwas specifically looking for reverse-mtation of pab and set up quite a number of long-term selections. 1633A proved to "adapt" on minimal medium in quite a few tests, but the ability to grow on minimal was rarely transmitted through the conidia. I did have one case of an apparent reversion and another where backcrosses of a single spore pab+ isclate gave pab- progeny. This might have been dueto mtational instability, incompetence,or a suppressor and I would not want to insist on which one. The point does not seem a vital one, and I would rather you did not make any definite attributions. Why don't you merely omit the "so far as is known" story al- together, and just say that you never saw anything that would lead you to suspect the marker? I am rather surprised myself that you never ran into the so-called "adaptations", whatever they are. Yours sincerely, Joshua Lederberg Professor of Genetics