THE UNIVERSITY GLASGOW, W.2 GENETICS DEPARTMENT Telephone: Western 2865 4th June 1956 Dr. J. Lederberg, Department of Genetics, University of Wisconsin, Dear Dr. Lederberg, Ina letter from Dr. Crow about a paper I have submitted to Genetics, I am most interested to learn that you once found a suppressor of 1633 in Neurospora. I had. steted that I knew of no such suppressor, but am writing to ask for the following footnote to be addec: "Since this paper was sent to press, I have learned that a suppressor of 1633 is known (Lederberg, unpublished). The 1633A culture used in the present work and the pab strains derived from it were all tested on minimal medium, there was no indication that any of them carried a suppressor," I shall be grateful if you will allow me to add this. I would be interested to know whether te culture in which you found the suppressor was a vegetative transfer of the original 16433A stock, which I believe mine to have been. Yours sincerely, a eee a oe (Bm. ELLIn7T | net GowDR IDGE ).