Madison, September 24, 1952 Dr. C. A. Elias 458, Av. Pasteur Instituto de Bilofisica Rio de Janeiro, Brasil Dear Dr. Elias: I am enclosing herewith subcultures of K-12 and its lambda-sensitive “mutant”, W-1485, as reqaausted in your letter of August 30. Stocks of the free lambda can be conveniently prepared by cultivating filtrates of K-12 + W-1485 on the latter, or better, by the UV~induction of suspensions of K-12 in nutrient~yeast extract broth (Lwoff effect). I hopa the delay ig my response has not inconvenienced you, but I was away and have only just sst my laboratory in crder again. Please let me know if I can be of any further services. Yours sincerely, Jodi ua Lederberg a Associate Professor of Genetics