December 4 , 1956 Dear Abe? I noticed your abstract in GENETICS on effects of versene/ on sexual fertility in E, coli. We would like to use your finding. if you are agreeable to letting us have a mora detailed protocal, as a pos~ sible improvement in our own technique. We don't want to "butt in” on your own possible further analysis, and hope you wlll be following this up-—~co let us hear from you. Inter alii, we've been trying to confirm Hirota's claim that Co” induces F~ mitants from F* (Nature, duly 14) but so far it isn't going so well. Dave Skaar, Alan Richter and I just finished an anlysis on the effect of motility selection: this appears to be a competitive advantage on the part of spontaneous F- mtants over the F+ background, Yours sincerely, Joshua Lederberg Professor of Genetics