CHEMICAL CORPS MEDICAL LABORATORIES ARMY CHEMICAL CENTER, MARYLAND IN REPLY REFER TO: CMLRE-ML (B) Dr. Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics University of Wisconsin Madison 6, Wisconsin Dear Dr, Lederberg: Your recent request concerning the availability of DFP for experimental purposes has been referred to me for necessary action. We are prepared to supply you with one gram of DFP for experimental purposes, without charge, Please fill out, sign and return to me both copies of the inclosed "Statement of Investigator" and I will take the necessary action required to supply you with this material, Offhand, I do not believe that studies of the kind you propose have been carried out, The most closely related study may be the demonstration of AcChE in the fibrillar fraction of Tetrahymena geli\eii by Seaman (Proc. Soc. Exptl. Biol. Med. 76, 169 (1951)); and I believe that Kidder has demonstrated inhibi- tion of fibrillation in Tetrahymena by DFP in rather high doses but I cannot give you a reference for this. We have also demon- strated the same effect in our laboratory several years ago. Yours truly, AL ‘BERNARD J. JANDO Incl, Acting Chief, Biochemistry Division Statement of Investigator JBhe FASS” (FH