v + 2 * FEDERAL SECURITY AGENCY « Public Health Service *5 ¢ NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTH «© Bethesda14, Md. *rree* MATIONAL INSTITUTE oF ARTHRITIS AND METABOLIC DISEASES Jan 22, 1953 NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF DENTAL RESEARCH NATIONAL HEART INSTITUTE NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF MENTAL HEALTH NATIONAL MICROBIOLOGICAL INSTITUTE NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF NEUROLOGICAL DISEASES AND BLINDNESS THE CLINICAL CENTER DIVISION OF RESEARCH GRANTS Dr. Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics The University of Wisconsin Madison 6, Wisconsin Dear Joshs I hasten to reply to your letter of January 19th. You do me too much honor in indicating that I am in charge of the Symposium on Growth Inhibition and Chemotherapy. I mrely suggested some names to Dr. Chain, for his considera- tion. I very much hope you will appear on the program. Dr. Cavalli has already been invited by Dr. Chain; and whether you give separate papers, or a joint paper, is something you can work out with Cavalli. Dr. Chain would probably be agreeable to either alternative. My owm suggestion would be that you present separate paper’ and if you find it impossible to attend, Cavalli could perhaps read your paper. Bernie Davis is going to give a paper in the Symposium on Microbial Metabolism, and for that reason will not be on this one. Ernest Jawetz will be asked to discuss antagonism and synergism; and Herbert Morgan will be asked to discuss bacterial and virus inhibition by metabolite antagonists. There will also be a paper on the chemistry of the never antibiotics. Of the European workers, Chain is asking Cavalli, Albert, Macheboeuf, Hawking, and Work. Needless to say, I trust you will consider these names in confidence. Cordially, / ect Eagle, Chief Experimental /Therapeutics National Microbiglogical Institute HEsbfb