January 19, 1953 Dr. Harry Eagle National Microbiological Institute N.I.H., Sethesda 14, Maryland Dear Harrys I've just received a letter from B. B, Chain concerning the Symposium on Growth Inhibition and Chemotharapy. As he mentioned that you had sug- gested my nama as a participant, and that you were in charge of this syn- pesium, I thought it both axneditious and proper that I should consult you before making a formal reply. What I should want to consult you about 1a whether it would be appropri- ate for me to ask L. L. Cavalli, of the Istituto Sisroterasico Vilenese, to collaborate on the euthorship of this paper. There sre several reasons in support of this nlan. Cavalli has cartainly done about the best work in the field of genetic recombination analysis of drug resistance, He will cer tainly be at the Congress, wheraas my cwa plane are still fluid (to the extent that financisl arrangements are not). And, as it happens, «¢ have been collaborating Closely (though by mail only) on other nrcblems, and have vublished two papers together already. If you approve, I would take this up with him at once. It may turn out that the contribution will bo tn fact by Cavalli and Lederberg, or Gavelli alcns, and I wanted to be sure that these contingencies would be acceptable, if thay should arine, T would anpreciate this coportunity of working it out with Cavalli, as against the formality of your withdrawing your invitation to me, and transferring it. Parhans Cavalli is already on the program, If so, I will have to discuss the matter with him before deciding whether to make a sanarate contribution, May I assume that as soon as you hava the definite information yourself, you will let ma know who else will be on the program on related subjects (9.g., perhaps Hinshelwood, or otherg, as well as yourself?) As these rather complex and transoceanic arrangements will have to be made within a restricted time, the favor of an early reply will ba anprectated. Sinsereky, Joshua Lederberg