FEDERAL SECURITY AGENCY © Public Health Service NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTH © Bethesda 14, Md. NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF ARTHRITIS AND METABOLIC DISEASES November 26 19 Sl NATIONAL CANCER INSTITUTE ? NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF DENTAL RESEARCH NATIONAL HEART INSTITUTE NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF MENTAL HEALTH NATIONAL MICROBIOLOGICAL INSTITUTE NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF NEUROLOGICAL DISEASES AND BLINDNESS THE CLINICAL CENTER DIVISION OF RESEARCH GRANTS Dr. Joshua Lederberg University of Wisconsin College of Agriculture Madison 6, Wisconsin Dear Josh: Many thanks for your most helpful letter of November 18th. Table 3 was deleted from the manuscript at the request of the editors of the Journal, who suggested that the data be included in greater detail in a following paper on the rate at which bacterial cultures lose resistance, considered as a function of their preceding exposure to the drug. The reference to the table was unfortunately not delet- ed from the text in your copy of the manuscript. Your point with respect to bacteriostatic vs. bactericidal action of the drug is most pertinent. Actually, penicillin and streptomycin are directly bactericidal, and when e.g. 103 organisms grow out to form visible colonies in 5 days out of an inoculum of 108, the large bulk of the bacteria have actually been killed by the drug, and the clear areas of the plate are sterile on sub-culture. However, with chloramphenicol (and terramycin) over a wide range of concentrations, the drug is bacteriostatic rather than bactericidal, and "resistance" should be expressed in terms of ratesof multiplication rather than ability to grow at all. The specific points you raise with respect to terminology and reference citations are most helpful, and I will make those corrections in proof. As you suspect, there will be more to come. I don't know that it will be better, but I will certainly try to get your help and advice. With kind regards, C& dially, Le ‘ Harry Hagle, . Experimental Thefapeutics Hiekm National Microbiological institute