April 25, 1951. Dr. Harry Eagle, MicrobLological Institutes, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda 14, Maryland. Dear Dre Eagle: In connection with program businesa, Dre Porter mentioned your notification that you would be unable to attend the forth- coming SAB meetinge I waa sorry to hear this, having looked for- ward ¢o hearing your paper. After the Chicaro meeting, I am planning to drive East to attend the Symposium on Genes and Mutations at Cold Spring Harter. I had hoped to travel via Washington, which would give ms the opportunity cf visiting you at your laboratory. Would this be convenient for you, especially in view of the necessity for your cancellation at the SAB? We would most likely reach Washington about Jume 3 or 4. Mra. Lederberg was formerly a junior blolozist (P-1) in the old Industrial Hygziens division and would enjoy revioiting with me the Institutes. Yours sincerely, Joshua Lederberg