YALE UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENT OF MICROBIOLOGY 310 CEDAR STREET NEW HAVEN 11, CONNECTICUT February 2, 1953 Doctor Joshua Lederberg Vepartment of Genetics The University of Wisconsin College of Agriculture Madison 6, Wisconsin Dear Dr, Lederberg: Your comments were by no means confusing, and I think that your idea that genetic transduction can take place in tumors is a brilliant thought and a puzzling possibility which certainly has to be kept in mind. However, the tumor viruses so far known do not lose their carcinogenic power regardless of the living media in which they are grown,For, if it is true, as we have shown in the past, that chicken sarcoma viruses behave as ordinary destroying viruses when grown in the embryo, they retain their cancer inducing prop- erties as shown by the induction of tumors at the end of several passages through embryonic hosts, On the other hand, the fowl pox virus.activated by methyl- cholanthrene applied to the skin of chickens does not seem to have acquired any new property and, to judge by the experience so far available, the virus recovered from tumors injected into normal chickens induces in these hosts the lesions usually caused by the virus. However, more careful studies will perhaps change this view. Under separate cover I am sending you a reprint concerned with the growth of the Rous sarcoma in the chicken, Sincerely yours, F, Duran-Reynals, M.D. FDR/3