Jamary 19, 1953 Dear Dr. Duran-Reynals: Thank you for your letter of the 16th. I am sorry if my comment was confusing—~ perhaps because I am not entirely clear ayself. I have gotten the impression from conversations with various people that you had found fowl pox virus to be closely asscelated with tumor viruses under special, obscure ciroumstances. I have not been able to follow your work as cloesly ae I would like, and for just this reason am locking forward to your pro- mised reprints. The suggestion that I was trying to put forward was that. in certain situations, latent viruses having no special relationship to tumors might acquire a tumor-inducing capacity by the very fact of their grorvth in neoplastic celis. Gn this basis, the taincor change would te intrinsic to the cell, but might also be transakitted by viruses growing in these cells. This would be comparable in its way to genetic transduction In bacteria. Its only virwue is that it would possibly help tc unify the somatic mutation and virus induction faote and theories of oarcinogenseis. I do not know whether any existing data would justify this notion. If the tumor viruses can be grown in indifferent host celle (e.g. embrycnic tissues) and retéén their carcino~ genetic putency, thin would tend against the theory. On the other hand, it @ight be worth vile to try growing various viruses cn tumor cells from which a transcissible agent cannot ordinarily be extracted. / Yours sincerely, A : f ‘Joehua Lederberg Dr. F. Duran-Reynals ,. Department of Mierobi@logy Yale University % New Haven 11, Conn.