YALE UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENT OF MICROBIOLOGY 310 CEDAR STREET NEW HAVEN 11, CONNECTICUT January 16, 1953 Doctor Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics University of Wisconsin Madison, Wisconsin Dear Doctor Lederberg: Thank you so much for the reprints which you so graciously semt me. Of course I have been following your work both from your publications and from your reports to the United States Public Health Service. It is a real pleasure to read them and it will be most useful for me to have them at hand so that I can easily consult them. I was a little confused concerning the question you asked me about fowl pox virus. For the time being I adopted the conservative attitude of considering fowl pox virus latent in chickens, as I would consider any infectious agent like a bacterium under the same conditions. I could, of course, go on commenting on that fundamental point almost indefinitely. Let's hope that we will be able to have a constructive discussion on that subject if we zet together some time, Under separate cover I am sending you reprints of papers recently issued from my laboratory. I would appreciate it if you would send me any of your future publications. Sincerely yours, F, Duran-Reynals, M.D. P.S. I am wondering whether you have seen the paper by Klein, Cancer Research, Vol. 12, 1952, p. 589. He is apparently proving that the results obtained by Stasney, et al, are due to the persistence of cells in the fractions injected. FDR/j