November 22, 1952 Dr. Me. S. Deumn Department of Chemistry Univerality of California Los Angeles 24, Calif. Dear Dr. Dumn: I am enolosing a marked catalog which will, I hope, serve to answer pert of your letter of Nevember 13. It ie impossible to advise sensibly on the administration of a genetics curriculum without detailed knowledge of local needs and comlitions. It seems to me less important how the department is organized than that a etudent should find it possible to arrange a major in Genetics without having to pay undue servkee to other specialties in botany or zoology. At some universities, a separate department serves this purpose; at others an interdggartmental committee does as well. These remarks concern graduate training in genetics. Genetics is clearly wmeuitable as an widergraduate major, and our etudenta are drawn from majore in botany, zoology, bacteriology, and other particular lifesciences. Yours sinosreky, “_ | Jostma Lederberg ~ Associate Professor of Genetics