August 15, 1950. Professor L. C. Dunn, Department of Zoology, Columbia University, New York 27, N. Y. Dear Doctor Dunn: Enclosed herewith 4s an abstract of my forthcoming contribution to "Genetics in the 20th Century". I regret that I do not have the leisure and facilities here to prepare the written manuscript, and that I shall have to defer working on 4t~ until I return to Madison after the Jubilee meetings. I hope to have the manuscript ready not later than the middle of October. However, I would appreciate learning of your definite requirementa in this respect in order to change this date in either direction as may be necessary or permissible. Yours eincerely, 1 - Joshua Lederberg, Associate Professor of Genetics, UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN. P.S. Thank you for your note concerning the reference to bacterial recombination in your textbook. JL