Nepartmert cf Becterlology, Univercity of Onlifornia, Berkoloy 4, California. July WO, Wee. Profecoor Le Os Dim, Dopartzcnt of Zeolesy, . Colurhia University, Rew Yor). 27, s¥s Doar Or. Dunn: Sheavo juet hee en opperturdtiv 4c plonec ot ¢ eepr of tho new edition Principlon of Conetice, by S$nrett, Durr and Debcheraky. Naturclly, To vwes ploased te obnarve *he eoncidernhic omchaste given to recent reucerch on m4ercergantona. there vee oue point of rofercree, hovevor, vhich T tolleve chould be corveoted fnouny Neture voviofonr. A% fue or Abgen clecen in the tart, an oolique reference Lo made to the worl: of Lederberg borring en tho ccourrenes of genetic roca Uincthon fn Unetertc. In oll fadyneoo, tie eltation cheull le te Patan aad leterhorg, om the btuste heth of Teta! s directs of cat rertsetration fn 4s receorsh, cord of publiea- Vda: praceity (vic. Loterterc a Tater, 106, Col*+ Sprfsc Parhor Sympo- OLicty Wy eeed Tibr and loderhorg, i047, “cor. Ractorintorcy, 53:673-684). This 1s, porhops, a vory rdaute podrthhut tonthock reforoness are oMtor: autoontalytic, wal £4 would be unfortunate 22 aur écprenaton wore reinforced which corved to minimize Tatim'o contrétutiona in this fiald. , With boss personal regards, \ SA{necorely, Joshua Lederberg, Aonociate ProZosnor of Gonetics