THE ROCKEFELLER INSTITUTE FOR MEDICAL RESEARCH 66TH STREET ano YORK AVENUE NEW YORK @2I.N_Y. 1 August WW, 1946 Dear Doctor Tecerberg: The statement in my bovk referred to a nwuber of vague statements in the immung logical literature concerning change in sero logical specificity of coliform bacilli and streptococci. I am sorry however that it would be very difficult to trace back these references since I found them so unconvincing that I have not clussified the record. I seem to remember papers by Cantacuzene or workers at the Cantacuzene Institute in Bucharest sone 20 or 25 years ago. You wight also find suggestive clues concerning pigment and enzyme production by B. pyocyanewus (see my book, page 124). Many thanks for your interesting reprints and with regrets that I cannot be of help to you, Sincere ly yours, 7 Au R. J. Dubos