October 15, 1952 Dear Professor Lattre: Thank you for the reprint, just received, on "...Untereuchingen ubsr Mitosegifte”. Perhaps tnere was sure alsunderstaiding, as I had requested raprints of your work on tha trangaission of carcinogenic activity to treated ascites tumor cells by mauns of extracted granules. I hed sent ina ns. of a review “Cell genetics and hereditary symbiosis" which will apoear shortly in Physiological seviews. Unfortunately, I had adssed your note, and couid meution it wily brdefly cy an additica in proof. It would sppear Gut stasney's work along seluted, but nut identical, lines to your cwa has beche reinterpreted da conascuence of the ganstde testadpubilsned oy Aisin ia Canesr desearcn (August '52), To do not know whether tha sina considerations are upplleable, but from tha ganatic pcint of view genetic studles with your material would be of the deansst signifi- cance. In addition to the damunogenetic markers atudied oy Kiein, Jne mignt suggest resistance to cremotherapeutic agents aud ctner physiclogical charac~ teristics. Yours sincerely, Jdshua Lederberg Associate Frofessor of Genetics