UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF PHYSIOLOGY SCHOOL OF MEDICINE BERKELEY 4, CALIFORNIA September 21, 1955 Dr. Joshua Lederberg University of Wisconsin Department of Genetics Madison 6, Wisconsin Dear Dr. Lederberg: Your letter of July 28th, with information on the Oak Ridge Symposium volume, was forwarded to me in Europe. ‘Thanks very mich indeed. I was able to locate this publication in Geneva and to read a good part of it then with great interest. As a consequence of writing my paper on the origin of sexuality (which is now in the hands of an editor, who has not informed me of its fate), I have been inspired to speculate on a number of interesting problems. One thing that intrigues me is the question as to whether reciprocal "crossing over" occurs ; between adjacent nuclear bodies in @‘mltinucleate (usually quadrinucleate) cell :f swm@mees Escherichia coli, when it undergoes ordinary asexual division in the “haploid” state. So far I have found no answer to this question either from the literature or from discussion with friends and colleagues (Adelberg, Garber, Szybalski). Yet it seems quite likely that you have information that could dispose of the question quite readily. On the off-chance that you have not investigated the problem, I thought to write you, describing a theoretical model that I have derived as a possible means of testing such a phenomenon. As a non-bacteriologist, I do not have the experience and knowledge to suggest mach more than certain principles and I realize that an actual test depends upon the availability of suitable genetic systems, which may or may not exist. The basic requirement for such a test would, as I see it, be that one mst be able to distinguish the four types of descendants that would be derived from a single heterokaryotic E. coli cell containing four nuclei of the type a AB, Ab, 8B, and ab. The only way that I can conceive of deriving such a cell] is “etecfavie would be to have (induce) a double mrtation followed by a "cross-over" one nuclear (“> generation after this mtational event. A scheme of doing this may be proposed as follows: i. One mst have a double auxotrophic mtant ab, requiring substances a@and 6. Certain necessary, or desirable, properties of AB, Ab, aB, and ab organisms are: &) Wild type (AB) mst produce enough diffusible @ and B to permit both types of single auxotrophs (Ab and aB) and (preferably to a lesser extent) double auxotrophs (ab) to Co grow more slowly in the presence of AB cells on agar plates,¢f minim! ivitiom, b) It would be highly desirable if some easy way of distinguish- ing the four genotypes (by color; colonial morphology; Dr. Joshua Lederberg -2- September 21, 1955 2. 36 h, reactions to some indicator medium, or media; etc.) were to exist. The mitation rate of a +A and b - B probably would have to be sufficiently high under normal conditions that double mtations within a of ee cell would occur at, say, about the level of one in 10° or 107 cells. (I realize that this is very high, but I understand at least one "mitabile" strain of E. coli exists.) Or, to put it a bit differently, the rate of le=-back mutations after heavy irradiation (say on 10° survivors out oo, of 10” cells) should be about one in 10° or 10°; cells. Bee ONG One would then grow ab cells on an xe celle/n medium (contain- ing a and 6B) to a density of say 1x10° cells ful. »,irrediate heavily so that a small percentage survives (1x10"), and then wis, dilute appropriately, and plate out on minimal medium so as to give between (?)100-500 surviving cells per plate (if all could grow). Presumably only AB cells would grow, plus mutant cells in close enough proximity to receive enough substances a and/or B. Possibly also Ab cells could grow in company with aB if they produced the reciprocally needed factors. The colonies should then be studied for sectoring, which would be evident by irregular colonial shape or (better) by more easily detectable morphological properties. Those colonies with four types of sectors representing AB, Ab, aB, and ab could presumably come only from a cross-over (in accordance with accompanying diagram). I should be mech interested in your comments on the foregoing scheme. There may be fallacies not apparent to me. Also some other (more practical) way of distinguishing four such genetic types deriving from a single cell my well oceur to you. Ene Losure ECDs: jd Very sincerely yours, Ellsworth C. Dougherty dovotc metahon oA \ - 4. “Ctserng C66 F, mere AA Nf) ‘ah [ON Ce wile’ hy - eae oe Pes ble cedlecua ( mer pheleg 4j Sther types ok amved cadens mrghh be - . . ~ diveche ravale tics feu g ah snaich might reset Fron 6 unt so okt yucle: atte, devote me heartiery wll cel! ‘ > (pz Hw ¢ Ev onsrage aks . ve eke searcygeanen : hk omaght be expected fo otc Free eG SY A \e AG Whre 4 vot fo |! wb - = cpa rite | motatee q ZV Xng \ , 4B c 7 vue be : Laom © WX; le cel! of jebicnenidag ima +=