July 28, 1955 Dr. Ellsworth C. Dougherty Department of Physiology University of California Berkeley 4, Calif. Dear Dr. Doughesty: For reference to the sexual mechanisms of E. coli, I would urge you to read the paper that I gave at the Oak Ridge Symposium on Genetic Recom- bination last spring. This has just appeared as Supplement 2 (May 1955) to the Journal of Cellular and Comparative Physiology, which should have been received by your library within the last few days. Curt Stern probably has a copy; I am sure that Dr. Hollaender would be glad to send you the supplement on request. As soon as I get the reprints on this paper, I will start mailing out anew batch. I will be grateful to have yours. Please save one of your review for me, if possible. Yours sinceraly, Joshua Lederberg Professor of Genetics