UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA ‘EPARTMENT OF PHYSIOLOGY SCHOOL OF MEDICINE BERKELEY 4, CALIFORNIA July el, 1999 Dr. Joshua Lederberg University of Wisconsin Department of Genetics Madison, Wisconsin Dear Dr. Lederberg: IT have written a theoretical paper on the origin of sexuality and should like to refer to the fact that E. coli conjugates. TI have been hearing about your observations for a year or so, but have not found any published statement, nor does my friend Ed Adelberg know of any. If we have missed something, I should much appreciate a citation. Your permission to make a statement merely that E. coli has been observed to conjugate will be much appreciated. If you have a paper in press, I should be most grateful for the citation and for permission to list it among my references. T have very mich appreciated receiving your reprints during the past two years or so. I am tardily reciprocating with my own under separate cover. Very sincerely yours, Mewes C. Dsl LK) Ellsworth C. Dougherty, PheD.e,MeD. Lecturer in Physiology