Novamber 5, 1951 Dr. M. Doudoroff Dept. Bactericlogy University of California Berkeley 4, California Dear Mike: Not long after ay last letter was poated, we received « note from Ruger who had spcken to yuu over the phone. Along with Roger, Esther and I were very much heartened at your response to your loss. We don't have tc tell you that we've behind you. I bhope the enelesed elreular is what you're looking for, Your strains shoglda be ok; Kees shculd have them also. For class purposes, the experiment could possibly te simplified further, if each student io tc handle it himself. It is not essential to use @ washed suspensions, although you got o somewhat hoovler background. The parent cultures shovld oe grown separately; overnight in Pennassay broth. The merely slate ebcut .l gh of onch parent, together, or separately for controls, on minimal agar. Or, growth sersped from a streak of growth on nutrient cgar wlll algo providcs = ressonably gocd inoculun. There is nothing fastidicue about the conditions for recombinatdion,2t all, so,long as theytultures haven't been sitting sround too Jong. The Glu- certainly appears to be perplexing. I hore that there is a detailed discussion of your experiments in the Penetabolisn paper; if not I shall expect to get the fullest details from you when you visit, which I am looking forward to. This 4s one case, anyhowy where you can't stand on permeability, unless you want to extend that concept to dried celle! sHave you explicitly tested the utilization of phosphcrylated glucose intermediates, not step by step, but for overall glycolysis? We do have W-108, W-327 etc., or thelr equivalents, and will be glad to send anything out to you again that you might have any use for. The lactose+ hexose- has pretty well flopped, Contrary to reactions on EMB agar, the lactose-grown cells (in a crude experiment) fermented glucose, lactose, galactose in that order. Probably it will boil down to (mal) adaptive ppecificities, along the mix order of P. putrefedhans and maltose. There's lots more to talk about, but will keep until we see you. Sincerely, © . girl, Emily Woodworth Bailgy, ever show abpuas a “er student (undergrad) from UW, or to look for a ~ used to assist in my research, and was a Joshua Lederberg JL ee