May 6, 1949. Dr. M. M, Doudoroff, Dept. BacterLolocy, University of Celifcornts, Berkeley, 4, Calif, Dear Mike: Tim delighted to hear that you have reeeivad your fellowship and that you will be able to spend the sumer montha here. Tt would be best, from the print of view of hovdding, to mike a dafintte decisicn as scon as pos= sible as to the dates of arrival and departure. It would he preferable to be here between the rapular academic sessions, 1.e., between the 20th of June ani the middle of September o9 the outside dates. If this does not fit in with your schedule, we will be plad to have vou here for any time yr wish, but it will be more diffientt for you to obtain suitable housing. It might be worthwhile for you to visit here for a day or tyo before or after the meatings to look over the housing situation. Meantime, if you can tell me what you would dike to have, and be willine to pay, and whether you will have your car, I will try to look arcund a bit, Unfortunately, the neahdingable on enxymology is scheduled for Tuesday morning. I'd ifke to have a chance to discuss it with you first. I expect to be registered at the Fountain Square Hotel. See you there. Sincerely, Joshua Lederberg