UNIVERSITY OF HAWAII HonoLutu 14 . TERRITORY OF HAWAIL %< 0 fp 7 hog December 14, 1954 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics University of Wisconsin Madison, Wisconsin Dear Josh: We here at the University of Hawaii are faced with a dilemma, the undersigned was recently appointed chairman of the department. Aside from this the University of Hawaii is grow- ing and making admirable advances in almost every direction. One of our major probhéms is“4&ssignment of modernizing, improv- ing em teaching along with attempts to wedge in a little credit for creditable research. In our department we have the full time of approximately four people represented by the efforts of six senior staff mems bers some of whom are part-time research peopie. In our course offerings we cover the biological aspects of Botany quite well except that we are very weak in Eoology and completely devoid of genetics talent. Likewise, the University of Hawaii has no course in what you and I might describe as the "Blinksian Type of Physi- ology of Protoplasts," which could be covered by physiological fungi and algae course. While we have no positions actually Open “at thie moment, we would be very muchly interested in hearing a young, vigorous Ph.D. graduate who is angious to teach a heavy teach » instill enthusiasm into students, and carry on a ittle research.¥ With the very best of good wishes for Esther and yourself, I remain, Yours sincerely, omloe * If the guy were real eager, we could even let him be head of the department, too. MD:st