Dr. Paul Doty Dept. Chemistry Harvard University Cambridge, Mass. Dear Dr. Doty: While optlinang a review on bacterial recombination mechaniams, I have been struck by the paucity of phyeical measurem nts on pnemmoconcal dna, at least mMeaguremnts I could give published citations for. The 1943 Avery et al. paper mentioned some preliminary studies, which have been requoted but never given in any detail: I would be especially anxious for an account which emphasized the difficulties in dealing with linear polyeleoctolytes like DNA. I Amagthne that such studies are now in progress, but am I wrk right in the statement that most of the assertions of particle size of the transfoming agent are based on analogy with other material? In particular, I would be grateful to you for any recent references (say since 1954) that would be immediately relevant to the dimensions and homogeneity of preparations used in the transfar mation experigents. As your own work on this reaches print, I would alse be grateful to you for reprints of it. Xm I am rather anxious to aygold compounding the confusion and not refer to conclusioms that can't be documented, But it would be personally helpful for my own state of mind if you can mote more recent work that has not yet published. With best regards Yours sincerely, Joshua Lederberg Professor of Genetics