Deere VANDERBILT UNIVERSITY NASHVILLE 4, TENNESSEE : DEPARTMENT OF BIOLOGY Nov,25, 1945 Joshua Lederberg, A/S, V-12, U.S,N.R. c/o Dr. Francis J. Ryan, — Dept. of Zoology, Columbia University, New York 27, N. Y.- Dear Mr. Lederberg: You wrote recently asking about anelyses of Neursopore mycelium. I have assayed only two samples, one of wild type ( no. 1-A), and the other of no. 35304-A. The latter is a lysineless mutant at temperatures above 29° but at Lower ‘temperatures it regularly adépts to growing without lysine. The wild type mycelium was prepared as follows: grown with aeration in carboy, filtered off on a Buchner funnel, washed with distilled water and again filtered off, then dried at 85-959 after wringing as dry as possible in cheesecloth. This was hydrolysed by refluxing 24 ors. with HCL and most of the acid was removed by distilling of. under vacuum, ashe remaining acid neutrelized wita KOH. Tne wyceiium of 35304 was pre,»area in the same manner. lt was grown in the absence of extreceilular lysine at 25°, 2.25 Results on wild type mycelium gave, in two trials, 2.25% lysine Yé and 2.46% lysine. Assays of 35304 gave 2.53% lysine and 2.52% d. lysine. L.7% . ~ LA 2 The only other information which might be of interest to 5 —— youreoncerns the relative amounts of growth obtained from a given amount of lysine by otner lysineless mutants, These results are selected from tests with 28 lysineless mutants. Each mutant was tested at five concentrations of lysine, using one flask at each lysine level except at the Llevek of U.876 mg lysine per culture. Here duplicates were used. All were tested simultaneously. The curves were drawn, and from these tue amoummt of growth (in mg. dry weight) from 0,876 mg. of Lysine is wiven beliw. This was retested on anotaer occasion witn a smaller number of strains and stiown to be reproducible within reasonable Limits. Strain no. 4545 ----= 46.lmg. dry weight Strain no. 235944 ---- 35.0 mg. dry weight Strain no, 37101 ---- 27.7 mg. dry weight Strain no. 39707 - -- 48.2 mg. dry weight. ; a From tnese results there ap ears to be considerable difference in the efiiciency of lysine utilization in tae difierent lysineless strains. Incidentally, from otaer evidence, tnertirst three strains appear to be of different jzenetic types. No. 59707 has not been tested for its genetic type. Il hope tnis information will be ot use to you. I] suall send you a reprint wnen toney arrive nere. Sincerely yours, ON tera A. H. Doermann