April 23, 195) Dr. Louis Dienes Massachusetts General Hosp. Boston 1) Massachusetts Dear Dr. Dienes: Thank you for your letter of April 21, I am sorry that I do not have any cultures or phages of 3B. megaterium and cannot therefore meet your request. Perhaps Dr. Philip Cowles at Yale University would be able to help you, or alternatively Dr. Max Delbruck at the California Institute of Technology, who is in close touch with Dr. Lwoff, You alse mentioned your interest in lysogenic typhoid, I have not my- self worked extensively with this Salmonella species, As you know, almost every culture of Salmonella typhimurium is lysogenic, I believe I did send you some cultures of the material we had been working with some time ago, but if you have /specific requirements that we can fulfill, I will be glad to send them. ° T am sorry that I will not be attending the meetings at Pittsburgh, «ith best regards, Yours sincerely, Joshua Lederberg JLamg P.S. I trust you will have noted the abstract in the Sacteriological Pro} ceedings by Hutchinson, on the failure to fini any genetic evidence of sexual behavior of large bodies, In view of your previous exveriments with Proteus, T suppose this is no surprise, dele