Massachusell Goyoyal Hospital GENERAL HOSPITAL jc pt ~~ MCLEAN HOSPITAL BAKER MEMORIAL y W. FRANKLIN Woop, M.D, PHILLIPS HOUSE DIRECTOR BURNHAM MEMORIAL FOR CHILDREN IN LINCOLN HALL- MERCER HOSPITAL STORROW HOUSE HUNTINGTON MEMORIAL HOSPITAL (CONVALESCENTS) VINCENT MEMORIAL HOSPITAL DEAN A. CLARK. M.D. > GENERAL DIRECTOR April al, 195) Dr. Joshua Lederberg BDevartment of Genetics University of Wisconsin Madison 6, Wisconsin Dear Doctor Lederberg; I appreciate the reprints very much. I hardly can think of any new development in bacteriology of similar interest. Recently I started to do some work on the connection between the phages and L forms. I wonder whether you carry the different phages for B. megatherium and the different bacterial strains for their detection in your laboratory. Could you give them to me if you have them? f mace a few exneriments with the typhoid bacillus and it would interest me to test a different snecies and strains which are made arti- ficially lysogenic. I hone to see you in Pittsbureh, With Icind regards, Sincerely yours, ‘ lee f a { wow vee] Louis Dienes, MN, D.