February 22, 1953 Dre L. Dienes Bacteriology Dept. Mass. Gen. Hosp. Boston, Mass. Dear Dr, Oienes: Thank you for the 5. montevideo Skinner, and instructions for handling L-forms. Unfortunately, these materials arrived only just before my departure on a trip from which I have just returned (consisting moetly of a visit at &.R. Edwards’ laboratory), and I was tmable to attend to them. I was obliged to put the sealed tube in the refrigerator. Do you think it would be profitable to work this over after so long a delay? Or would it be excessively troublesome for me to ask for a re- peated shipment’? I notice that you had substituted the Skinner strain in place of Se typhinmrium, which we had previously discussed. It would be desirable, if possible, to have L-form cultures from typhimurium as well as montevideo. I trust you will have received the pleiomorphioc E. coli 204 ( #-1637). Have you had an o portunity to examine it? With my apologies for having been unable to make immediate use of your first shipment, Yours sincerely, Joshua Lederberg