Massachusell, General Hespdlal GENERAL HOSPITAL ZB. / MCLEAN HOSPITAL BAKER MEMORIAL TA W. FRANK PHILLIPS HOUSE ancoe M.D. IN BOSTON BURNHAM MEMORIAL FOR CHILDREN HALL- MERCER HOSPITAL HUNTINGTON MEMORIAL HOSPITAL (convacescentas VINCENT MEMORIAL HOSPITAL IN LINCOLN Dean A. CLaRK. M.D. GENERAL DIRECTOR January 6, 1953 Dr, Joshua Lederberg University of Wisconsin Madison, Wisconsin Dear Dr, Lederberg: The Sglmonella strain 'Skinne# which I am sending under separate cover was isolated recently from an epidemic of food poisoning. It was typed in the Salmonella center in New York as 'Montevideo'., It produces L forms abundantly on soft serum agar containing penicillin, but the L forgs grow quite slowly. The two pieces of agar in the small tubes should be taken apart and placed with the inner side dow on the mediun, With the low power of the microscope the L colonies are visible in some of the agar pieces. You should try the usual nutrient agar to which should be added 20% broth, 15% inactivated horse serum, 1% gelatine and a few hundre@é wits of penicillin per ml. If the medium is too soft try preparing it with a little less broth. Make the plat robic with B. prodigiosus. Growth will probably devel opt eatee the agar blocks in 2-3 days. More material can be obtained by smearing the blocks at this time over the surface of the gm medium. If you should have difficulty with the cultures, I will send another sample. Thank you for the reprints. I know the complexity of biological phenomena, It is overwhelming in the field whic} you reviewed, With kind regards, Sincerely yours, pyres Buu clu rpfriwn vat whe Me f thivrwey nrhet a 4 PU thd w Z wt wre uw ve me cere ue Ech: santo Hs oy be bn Grft _ F