ยข SONEF- ul IN BOSTON IN WAVERLEY GENERAL HOSPITAL fo Ww MCLEAN HOSPITAL BAKER MEMORIAL 4 W. FRANKLIN Woop, M.D, PHILLIPS HOUSE DIRECTOR BURNHAM MEMORIAL FOR CHILDREN IN LINCOLN HALL-MERCER HOSPITAL STORROW HOUSE HUNTINGTON MEMORIAL HOSPITAL (CONVALESCENTS) VINCENT MEMORIAL HOSPITAL DEAN A. CLARK. M.D. GENERAL DIRECTOR November 8, 1952 Dr. Joshua Lederberg The University of Wisconsin Madison, Wisconsin Dear Dr. Lederberg: I was, like the other members of our branch, very pleased that you accepted our invitation. I do hope you will stay long enough to have time to visit me. I am now located on the fifth floor of the Domestic building and am in my laboratory all day. I have been retired as head of Routine Bacteriology and am quite free to dispose of my time. 4s I wrote you, I am very much interested by the connection of phage with the transmission of strain characteristice., It is an observation. which may have the most unexpected consequences, Looking forward to seeing you, I an, Yours sincerely, Droey Louis Dienes, M.D.