November 3, 1952 De. L. Dienes isssachusetts General Hospital Booton 14, Mass. Deer Dr. Dienes: As you may be already weil aware, I will have an opportunity shortly to discuas with you some of the questions mentioned fn your letter of Septemoer 12, Twili be speaking Friday, November 14 to the meeting of tie Northeast Branch of the 3.A.8,, and hope very such tc sea you there, Of course we were very mich influence: by your and Fliensberger's work on L-forms, from several points of view. I am still not sure whether thay may play some role in the "filtrability" of bacteria in phage-treated cultures. Wa heave not ande a aystemtic study of this, and cannot assess its significance, wut vur routine chservations certalaly have shown that @ the frequencg of “come-backs" is auch higher in phage-treated filtrates, (containing FA) than in filtrates from ordinary brotk. However, it seems almost certein that FA itweif is phage, and not the more organized particles of "I-forms". The genetic activity of FA would also be difficult to recon- cile with the i-form hypothesis, as I was already uncomfortably aware at the 1951 Cold Spring Harbor Conference (cf. p. 439, right column,4th par.). Still. we have to contend with your irrefutable observations-~ concerning which KLieneberger'y final retraction of her confliettig hypothesis mst convines any skeptic. I agree that the small forms sust have some biological importance, and hope we will have en opporténity to speculate together on this, I hava not lately paid auch attentiog to the L-form problem, having been preoccupied with more specifically genetic questions in £, coli recombination and Saimonella transduction. We never did succeed in growing out the L phase, but must admit that we did not press the question. Would it be convenient for you to have on hand about November 14 some active cultures of L-type from Salmonella, or lacking that, from Proteus so that I could get a better impression of what we mist look for? For recombinatiof experiments, the existing serological differentials betweem, 9.g., S. typhimurium ahd S. typhi should do very well, but it will be esseatial to rule out phage- transduction, which can give similar results. Inwill be very happy to discuss or cooperate with you in any way that I am able. }e Yours sincerely, Joshua Lederberg ccc