Meassachisa General Sipuitel” IN BOSTON IN WAVERLEY GENERAL HOSPITAL I4 MCLEAN HOSPITAL BAKER MEMORIAL W. FRANKLIN Woop, M.D. PHILLIPS HOUSE DIRECTOR HALL- MERCER HOSPITAL HUNTINGTON MEMORIAL HOSPITAL VINCENT MEMORIAL HOSPITAL DEAN A. CLARK, M.D. GENERAL DIRECTOR Sect. 12, 1952 Dr. Joshua Lederberg: Department of Genetics College of Agriculture University of Wisconsin Madison, Wisconsin Dear Dr, Lederberg: I wish to thank you for the reprints and for the abstracts of your current work. I listened to the presentation of Zinder but was quite disappointed that you did not come to the meeting. It is wonderful to see the development of your work from the neurospora to the K-12 to the recent observations. I see from your paper pre- sented at Cold Spring Harbor that you were influenced for a while by Klieneberger's ideas,. I am enclosing an electron micrograph Which I recently made of the L form of Proteus, It is very inter- esting that life continues in such small forms even if we do not know the significance of these forms, If the smallest form can reconstruct the bacteria, which we do not know, they could not carry toomany FA particles, I will repeat my former efforts to see whether L forms obtained from different strains can recombine and construct bacteria different from their parents. It is difficult to believe that these forms have no biological significance, I hope that we will be able to discuss these problems personally in the near future. With kind regards, Sincerely yours, Lavres q YH eves