ISTITUTO DI PATOLOGIA GENERALE UNIVERSITA DI-SIENA : 2Q~ I0=50 VIA DEL LATERINO, 4 ~' TEL. 20-265 ear Professor Lederberg, -L feel very much honoured for your letter of. October, 15. Iam very glad to be able to furnish you the .Pequested.strains "E.Coli I",Coli UQ,Coli SG and a mtant strain which strongly resembles in the morphology and in biochemical activities the in= ducing strain. Since my Director,Prof.Luigi Michelazzi,has been called to direction of the more important Department of General Pathology of the University of Genova,our researches were necessarily inter= rupted for some months. Therefore,I will made a control of the biochem= ical properties of the strains I have described before sending youe I join the reprint of my work"liutazioni dirette dagli acidi nucleinici batterici" published on Boll. Ist.Sierot.iiilen.;in effects,Experientia has not tilk-now gended me the reprints of” my work "Mutation in the enzymatic equipment.... which you have requested. You will oblige me if you could send. ther nts of your récent works. “on genetic recombination. Thanking you very much,! am yours: ice 25 2° = sineerely” So Se BT boo 0.” Mapto: U. Dienzang, + mo | . “UsDs PhD» / Sk tke Uae 7 Treqoue a. : . ~ ~ ar c- e Me ~4 9 a. Toe ae © 5 7 > - pee ory - a an > * ~ ®