Zoology Department April 9, 1955 Dear Joshua, Thank you very much for your letter. As far as I know, Cynthia Jackson has not of as yet made application to the Department here, but I shall be on the lookout for her application. She sounds like a promising person. Needless to say, I was most interested to hear the news of you and Esther. It sounds like an ideal life for creativity in science--ideal as anything can be, I should say. Of course there should be more time - 48 hours--in a day. But you certainly make the best of the 24 which we are allotted. Although my field is far away from microbial genetics, I have kept up [END PAGE ONE] [BEGIN PAGE TWO] (as far as distance and my ignorance permit) with your work, and continue to find it exciting. Last year I was on sabbatical in Denmark, and did not get back in time for the Wisconsin meetings of the Physiology Society. Consequently, I missed what would have been a pleasant meeting, I am sure. To me, the fall regional meetings of the physiologists are so vastly preferable to the vast Federation Meetings that I often wonder why I attend the letter at all. Here at Columbia, things progress much as before. We survived our 200th anniversary (I was lucky to be away at that time), and now the second semester is drawing to a close. With Francis Ryan bound for Japan, Aubrey Gorbman to Hawaii; etc., we will be operating at our usual depleted state next year. How about you--have you and Esther felt the prevalent wanderlust? My warmest regards to both of you, Ingrith Deyrup