January 9, 1959 Dr. M. Demerec Department of Genetics Carnegie Institution of Washington Cold Spring Harbor Long Island, New York Dear Or. Demerec: As you know, | am about to leave Wisconsin to organize a new Department of Genetics at Stanford University. ! would like to ask your help in getting together some documentary materials for our departmental ltbrary. First amony these would be a set of Drosophila information service. We were, luckily, able to get a reprint of numbers } through 24. 1! would be very grateful to you for arrangements to get any succeeding numbers, both those already published and the current distribution. Although we do not now have any drosophila work in active progress at Stanford, many of us wil}, of course, be interested in this field and we should not exclude the possibility of ex-~ panding in that direction. In any event, the Genetics Library should furnish another repository for such archival materials. The second item | would like to ask you about would be a set of the yearbooks of the Carnegie Institution. Is there any way that we should pro- ceed to get on the regular mailing list for these publications? With best wishes, As ever, Josinua Lederberg JL imk