BRANDEIS UNIVERSITY WALTHAM 54, MASSACHUSETTS Graduate Department of Biochemistry September 30, 1358 Doctor Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics University of Wisconsin Madison, Wisconsin Dear Josh: egard to one of my graduate students, Doh Dennis, Oo will finish here next summer and who is anxiou edo postdoctoral work. He has become interested in genetics and I have suggested the possibility that he might go out to work with you. Dennis is a very able person who has developed quite rapidly here, and he certainly has a lot of promise. I can recommend him quite highly. I am quite sure that he would be able to obtain an outside fellowship for his support. I am wrietog with I know that you will be moving, but I think Dennis is the kind of a person who could fit in with the situation. If you think you will have room,I certainly would appreciate your consideration of him. Let me know what you think. Good luck in your new position. With best regards. Sincerely, Nike Nathan O. Kaplan NOK/mcb