May 1. 1957 . Tear Dr. Demerec, We have received the program of the forthcoming nucleo- protein symposium. I reperet that we shall not be sble to attend the entire conferefice. I also understand that it is not your policy to accept reservations for only part of the symposium, but my wife and I are exceedingly anxious to hear the speakers who are scheduled for Monday and Tuesday, June 16-17. Therefore, if you should liter find that accomodations coulc be found for us for Sunday night through Tuesday aftermoon, we should be highly grateful. You may recall that I mentioned at my seminar last March that the phage resistance pattern of K-l2 difiers from that of B in that K/1,3,5 occurs as «a frequent type. I find, however, that dif- ferent phage stocks are behaving differently; to clarify the situa- tion it woulc be exceedingly helpful to have certuin bacterial indicators. J wouls ereatly appreciate receiving the following mutants which you mention in your papers, if available: B/: i 1,5 3,4 3,457 G/1/7. If you have any strains which are resistant to T5 but sensitive to Tl, they would be par- ticularly desirable. ve) The micoid type of K/1 has been studied somewhat, and appears to be the result of & highly unstable mutation, rapidly reverting to sensitive; it has however, been crossed with sensitive striuins, and differences in the recombination Frequencd with Lae sugzest td u that it is .t a different locus from the other Vy